Public Holidays In Jamaica 2020

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There are approximately ten (10) public holidays in Jamaica 2020.

It is noted that six (6) of these holidays are considered to be national or secular, if you would refer to them as that, and the other four (4) are considered Christian holidays.

Every Jamaican is happy to know that there are days in the calendar year that they can use as a break in their work schedule other than their usual vacation leave.

The ever so famous "long weekend" is the most appreciated. That is the Easter weekend which consists of Good Friday and Easter Monday. We just love this Christian holiday.

The next famous public holiday is Heroes' weekend. Another couple of days to relax and have some fun, especially on some of our beaches.

The last set of holidays is that of Christmas. This is more a worldwide type of holiday, but it forms a part of the public holidays in Jamaica 2020.

For the working class, these ten (10) days are greatly appreciated and anticipated weeks before they are even due to arrive, :-)

Here is a Break-down of the Public Holidays in Jamaica 2020!

Public Holidays in Jamaica 2012-2013

The four (4) Jamaican holidays that we consider to be Christian are:

Ash Wednesday                                              Easter Monday

Good Friday                                                    and Christmas Day.

The other six (6) public holidays in Jamaica 2020 are:

Labour Day                                                      National Heroes Day

Emancipation Day                                            Boxing Day, and

Independence Day                                           New Year's Day

Jamaican Public Holidays for the Year 2020

Day of the Week












January 1

February 26

April 10

April 13

May 25

August 1

August 6

October 9

December 25

December 26


New Year's Day

Ash Wednesday

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Labour Day

Emancipation Day

Independence Day

National Heroes Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

Note: if one of our national holidays fall on the Sunday, it will be observed and celebrated on the Monday following. 

All public holidays are governed by the provisions of the Holidays (Public General) Act of 1895.

With the exception of Labour Day, any holiday that falls on a SATURDAY will be observed on that day.

I hope this list of public holidays in Jamaica 2020 serves as a guide and help to those planning on vacationing in Jamaica. This way you may choose to either avoid our public holiday dates or incorporate them in your vacation planning for a better experience.

Jamaican Public Holidays 2012-2013

Top of Public Holidays In Jamaica 2020

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